HRMT11011 Human Resource Management Assessment task 3—Business Report

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    HRMT11011 Human Resource Management Assessment task 3—Business Report


    You are required to write a BUSINESS REPORT. Students are expected to engage in extensive research within the academic literature (peer-reviewed journals) relevant to the task and evidence your argument from scholarly sources as well as other relevant reference material.

    Task Details

    This task requires you to write a business report on a contemporary news story about an organization. You will be provided with the news story that is to be the focus of your report in the Unit Moodle site (from Week 6 onwards).

    Your business report should,

    provide a brief summary of the news story,

    identify the key HRM issues raised and discuss them in relation to the relevant concepts, frameworks, and theories from the Unit; and

    make recommendations for the future.

    Additional Information

    This assessment item involves researching your assigned topic to enhance your understanding of the relevant human resource issues and utilization of academic literature.

    The prescribed textbook for the Unit MUST be cited. You will be expected to present information and evidence from, and cite relevant academic peer-reviewed journal articles. You must undertake research more broadly than articles posted on Moodle. The MINIMUM TO PASS this criterion [12.5/25] is the textbook (must draw on two chapters), plus six (6) relevant academic peer-reviewed journal articles.

    A reference list is compulsory and it MUST be prepared according to the CQU APA Referencing Guide. DO NOT include a bibliography.

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    By |2018-11-19T09:43:27+00:00November 19th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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