MGT536 201860 AA Additional Assessment item

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    Code: MGT536

    Subject: MGT536 201860 AA Additional Assessment item

    The topic
    Today’s leaders operate in a world that is uncertain, volatile, complex and ambiguous. Organisations today are undergoing major challenges: globalisation, rapidly changing technology, the growing need for innovation, climate change and resource scarcity. Leaders have to learn how to lead people in their organisations effectively in the midst of all this turmoil.
    Select two internationally or nationally (i.e. Australian) recognised business leaders; discuss and analyse how their leadership style has helped them address some of these challenges.
    Critically evaluate how each leader’s practice of leadership impacts the success of their organisation.
    You should use relevant concepts and theories from across the subject and especially from topics 6 to 12 to support your discussion, analysis and evaluation.
    Develop a comprehensive conclusion based on the analysis and evaluation.
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    By |2018-11-22T11:01:22+00:00November 22nd, 2018|Categories: Management assignment help|Tags: , |0 Comments

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