7030CEM Cyber Security Individual Project

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    Cyber Security Individual Project Assignment help

    Section B – Project Proposal

    Produce a project proposal (suggested length 1500 words) that encapsulates your project idea and which provides a detailed research plan of the steps you will undertake to address your research question. Your proposal should include the following sections:

    1. Research Question, Problem Statement or Topic for Investigation

    Provide a clear outline of the research question, practical problem or primary investigation that you will be undertaking for your project.  Useful questions to address would be:  what is the question or problem you are addressing, what evidence is there that this is a real problem, what approach or method are you going to take to address the problem.

    1. Intended user or group of users and their requirements

    In this section you should address who will benefit from your findings and how they will benefit. (note: ‘greater knowledge about’ is defined as a benefit – even if your audience is mainly other academic researchers, new data, if collected using scientific principles, adds to the body of knowledge about the topic). Who are the intended user or group users? Why you think there is need for this project? What are the needs of the intended user that your product should satisfy?]

    1. Systems requirements, project deliverables and final project outcome

    In this section you should address what the characteristics/properties that the final product should possess? What are the process stages and the corresponding deliverables that will enable you to create the final product? Describe, as clearly as possible, what outcome your project aims to produce in relation to the original question, investigation or problem statement.

    1. Primary Research Plan

    This is the plan as to how you will go about answering your detailed research question or approach your practical problem – It must include a primary research method (an extended literature review is not an acceptable primary method). Think and plan logically.  Primary methods may include experiments, applications or software demonstrators, process models, simulations, surveys, analysis of existing or generated data … you may wish to suggest a timeline or simply set out a sequence of tasks.  Where you intend to collect data think about how much data you need and how long the collection process will take.  Make reasonable assumptions about the amount of work you can do and try not to ‘over-promise’ on results – most scientific research is small scale and time limited, this is even more the case with student projects where you also have competing modules.

    1. Initial/Mini Literature Review

    Using the University Library e-journal database, the ACM portal database or Google Scholar, identify and select between three and five research papers relating to your topic.  Try and identify papers that are relatively current (within the last three years). A literature review is a select analysis of existing research, which is relevant to your topic. It explains and justifies how your investigation may help answer some of the questions or gaps in this area of research. A literature review is not a straightforward summary of everything you have read on the topic and it is not a chronological description of what was discovered in your field. Use your literature review to:

    • Show how your project will relate to previous studies.
    • Compare and contrast different authors’ views on an issue – note areas in which authors are in disagreement.
    • Highlight current exemplary studies
    • Highlight any gaps in research that may provide you with a starting point for your project
    • Highlight any good approaches that may allow you to develop a project idea further

    The key to the mini-literature review is your critical and evaluative perspective on the literature reviewed.  Use the review to make a case/argument as to why your own research project is necessary/important.

    1. Bibliography (key texts for your literature review)

    Please provide references, in correct referencing style, for the research papers that have informed your literature review. The references should be recent and sufficiently technical or academic.  Your markers will be looking for you to identify technical reports, conference papers, journal papers, and recent text books. Avoid Wikipedia entries, newspaper reports that do not cite sources, and general or introductory texts.

    By |2023-02-06T09:19:56+00:00February 6th, 2023|Categories: Assignment Samples|Tags: |0 Comments

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