MBA401 Trust, and Workplace Relationships

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    Trust, and Workplace Relationships Assignment help

    The Assessment Task Part A
    Part A: Students will actively participate in workshop activities throughout the semester to help develop the depth of their knowledge and understanding. At the conclusion of the subject, each student’s participation during Weeks 10-11 will be recognised by being appropriately graded having regard to the quality and relevance of their contributions during those two subject workshops.

    The Assessment Task Part B

    Part B. Students will write an individual report to demonstrate the depth of their learning and development of knowledge arising from their participation in the MBA401 subject. This report will require undertaking research that is relevant to the topic via the Kaplan electronic library and searching electronic databases.

    • Students must draw on key academic theories (minimum 5) relevant to the chosen topic to help explore the topic in their response
    • The topic proposed for the assessment cannot be answered definitively. The assessment requires students to identify possible assumptions, make effective arguments, and with a logically detailed conclusion.
    • Students will use a report structure for the writing of this assessment.

    Trust and Workplace Relationships
    Trust is an important influence for effective communication, co-operation, problem solving and performance in the workplace. Social conflicts in the workplace can hamper personal relationships and limit group cohesion and effectiveness.
    In an organisational context, trust can also be treated as an issue of behavioural competence, with people trusting those that they believe can solve problems and deliver desired outcomes. Is conflict always negative or can it also be constructive?
    Leaders, therefore, need to build a culture of trust in the workplace towards organisational effectiveness.

    By |2023-01-24T09:45:51+00:00January 24th, 2023|Categories: Assignment Samples, Human Resources assignment help|Tags: , |0 Comments

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