Assessment item 3 Critical reflective blogs

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    You are required to set up and use Interact2 Blog tool and post your reflections on four OB topics of your choice. You can choose from the following OB topics:

    Assessing, influencing and rewarding performance (T6)
    Grouping individuals and behaviour (T7)
    Organisational processes and behaviour (Organisational change or Organisational culture) (T8)
    Leadership (T9)
    Organisational justice and employee wellbeing (T10)

    A starting question for your reflection should be: What is the applicability and relevance of OB theory/model/concepts covered in the specific OB topic for me as a practitioner in my workplace? Discrepancies between the theory and practice should be explored, and implications for your workplace identified.
    For students who may not have work experience, you may use a newspapers or academic journal articles that discuss an OB trend/issue in an existing Australian or international organisation. Alternatively, you can do your own research on an organisation of your choice, and focus your reflection on the imagined influence this organisational context (in relation to the specific OB topic) would have on you.
    A quality reflection shows deep critical analysis of workplace experiences through application of OB theories/models/ concepts. It provides deep insights into the practitioner’s own practice.
    This is an opportunity to express your voice on workplace trends that are important to you.
    You are required to post each reflection by the end of the week when each topic is covered in this subject, as per the subject schedule. This will ensure continuity of learning as well as the quality reflections. Please note that failure to submit weekly blogs will result in mark deductions.
    Additional guidance:
    Examples of questions that can be explored in your reflections are provided below.

    Assessing, influencing and rewarding performance (T6)
    How is your work performance assessed? What is the impact that design and execution of the performance appraisal on you, your motivation and outcomes? Identify the challenges. Is there a better method of assessing your work performance? If yes, explain why it would be better.

    Grouping individuals and behaviour (T7)
    Do you work in teams, and what is the influence of working in teams on you? Which factors affect your team performance (positively and negatively)? What is needed to improve the performance of the team?

    Organisational processes and behaviour (Organisational change or Organisational culture) (T8)
    Did your organisation go through any changes recently (e.g., organisational transformation, implementation of new technology, new leader)? If yes, how was employees’ resistance/involvement managed? What is the influence this had on the organisational culture? What were the strengths and weaknesses of the approach to change? Any suggestions for the organisational practice in the future, or your own strategies for dealing with change?
    Another approach on reflection related to this topic, is to analyse the organisational culture in your organisation, how it constrains and promotes organisational strategies, and the role of political behaviour.

    Leadership (T9)
    What is effective leadership in your workplace? Is there a discrepancy between the leadership behaviour that is rewarded, and the behaviour that is needed? What is the influence this has on you and development of your leadership style? What else do you need to do to be an effective leaders?

    Organisational justice and employee wellbeing (T10)
    What are the possible workplace conditions linked to employees’ stress that you observed in your workplace? You can identify these based on the job demands-resources model. What is the impact they have on you? What are the measures that your employer adopted for ensuring employees health and wellbeing? How effective are these measures? What else can be done?

    The purpose of this assignment is to complete a critical reflective journal for four OB topics coveredin the subject.The aim of this assignment is to enable you to highlight thoughts on each topic as well as demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered in this subject.
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