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    QUESTION 1 (25) The terms “leadership” and “management” are two distinctive and complementary systems of action, but they are often used interchangeably. To demonstrate your understanding of these two terms, use your school, or any other institution as an example, and discuss the leadership and management strengths of your Principal or HOD or Manager, and identify any shortcomings he/she may have in these roles.

    QUESTION 2 (25) “Effective school managers and leaders are those who are surrounded by effective educators, who perform their teaching and managing duties more effectively.” Defend this statement.

    QUESTION 3 (25) “Delegation is one of the most important methods of promoting democracy in a school/educational institution”. Debate this statement under the following sub-headings: 3.1. Principles of delegation 3.2. Factors to be considered when delegating 3.3. Advantages of delegation

    QUESTION 4 (25) The “planning” and “leading” tasks of management are lacking at the school where you were recently appointed as Head of Department. This has had a negative impact on the performance of your school. Develop guidelines to address the shortcomings in these two management tasks so that the school’s performance is enhanced.

    Assignment Guidelines

    • Word limit: Approximately 4500 words

    • The length of your answers to each question should be in line with the mark allocation.

    • Your assignment should include a Table of Contents page.

    • Text: Font: Arial or Times New Roman (12), Spacing: 1 and a half lines

    • All text must be justified at each margin.

    • Your answers must include any theories, charts, tables or exhibits necessary to support your analysis and recommendations.

    • Ensure that the readings are not merely reproduced in the assignment without original critical comments and views. Cohesive and logical arguments reflecting original thinking is encouraged.

    • You MUST use theory/literature to support your discussion/observation and opinions. Do not merely extract information from the Case Study.

    • References – At least 15 academic sources of reference must be used. (These include textbooks, journal articles and internet sources that are relevant to your field of study. Academic sources do not include Wikipedia and blogs). The MANCOSA study guide must not be used as a source of reference. You must include a Reference list at the end of your assignment. Information quoted/paraphrased from sources listed in your Reference list must be referenced in-text. The Harvard system of referencing must be used.

    • It is imperative that students proofread and edit their assignments prior to submitting them. Assignments must be free from errors and of a professional standard.

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    By |2019-06-20T09:31:40+00:00June 20th, 2019|Categories: Management assignment help|Tags: |0 Comments

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