COIT20262 – Advanced Network Security

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    COIT20262 Assignment Help

    Advanced Network Security Assignment help

    Attempt all questions.
    This is an individual assignment, and it is expected students answer the questions themselves. Discussion of approaches to solving questions is allowed (and encouraged), however each student should develop and write-up their own answers. See CQUniversity resources on Referencing and Plagiarism. Guidelines for this assignment include:
     Do not exchange files (reports, captures, diagrams) with other students.
     Complete tasks with virtnet yourself – do not use results from another student.
     Draw your own diagrams. Do not use diagrams from other sources (Internet, textbooks) or from other students.
     Write your own explanations. In some cases, students may arrive at the same numerical answer, however their explanation of the answer should always be their own.
     Do not copy text from websites or textbooks. During research you should read and understand what others have written, and then write in your own words.
     Perform the tasks using the correct values listed in the question and using the correct file names.
    File Names and Parameters
    Where you see [StudentID] in the text, replace it with your actual student ID. If your student ID contains a letter (e.g. “s1234567”), make sure the letter is in lowercase.
    Where you see [FirstName] in the text, replace it with your actual first name. If you do not have a first name, then use your last name. Do NOT include any spaces or other non-alphabetical characters (e.g. “-“).
    Submit two files on Moodle only:
    1. The report, based on the answer template, called [StudentID]-report.docx.
    2. Submit the packet capture [StudentID]-https.pcap on Moodle
    Marking Scheme
    A separate spreadsheet lists the detailed marking criteria.
    Questions 1 and 3 require you to use virtnet topology 5. The questions are related, so you must use the same nodes for all three questions.
     node1: client; assumed to be external from the perspective of the firewall.
    COIT20262 Assignment 2 Questions Term 1, 2023
     node2: router; gateway between the internal network and external network. Also runs the firewall.
     node3: server; assumed to be internal from the perspective of the firewall. Runs a web server with HTTPS and a SSH server for external users (e.g. on node1) to login to. Will contain accounts for multiple users.

    By |2023-05-26T14:27:17+00:00May 26th, 2023|Categories: Networking|Tags: |0 Comments

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