MGT611: International Business Strategy

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    Subject Code: MGT611 

    Title: International Business Strategy

    Assessment 1: Emerging Market Analysis

    Length 1500 words


    This assessment supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in the foundational international business strategy topics that include external environmental assessment, problem diagnosis, strategy development, and the consideration of micro and macro-level factors influencing the strategic decision of entering an emerging market. It is expected to equip students with a well-formed view of international business environment and theories to guide the strategic options available to the firms considering international expansion as their next growth path.


    To Successfully complete Assessment 1 you are required to complete Part one (1) AND Part two (2).

    Part 1:

    • Locate a small-to-medium sized firm (SME) in Australia. It has to be an SME that has potential to expand internationally. You need to explain what it is and why you believe the firm can compete internationally.

    • Conduct secondary research on the chosen SME in order to identify key descriptive information on the entity, such as the industry, industry market structure, firm’s competitive position within this industry in Australia, firm’s target market in Australia and overseas (if it already sells overseas).

    • In addition, you need to identify what is considered an SME in Australia, how different SMEs are from large firms, and what that means for the SME entering an international market.

    Please, check relevant literature/trade publications. That also means you need to research the available academic literature on the differences between the two categories of firms and to briefly attempt to relate the outcomes of this research to the firm entering the foreign location you choose.

    Part 2:

    • Locate an emerging market you believe is appropriate for the firm to enter.

    • It should involve the application of a number of the key relevant theories, concepts, and models applicable to analysing international business environment (which will be analysed in your second assignment) and theories relevant to market entry strategy (entry strategy is part of your second assignment). For example, in the environment, you may want to discuss the OLI framework (Dunning, 1977) or the Institutional theory (North, 1990). Please, note, these are just a couple of examples and you are strongly advised to go beyond just these two theories. Remember, you should be able to relate the theories to the chosen market.

    Suggested format:

    Whilst the format may vary for your analysis, below is suggested format for you to follow:

    • Background. Brief biographical on the chosen entity, relevant theory, and national market). Suggest 200 words. • Key Descriptive Information. Suggest 1200 words

    • The firm and its microenvironment, including theory (see above).

    • The macro environment in which the chosen corporate entity has to operate in one selected national market, including theory (see above).

    • Conclusion. Your conclusion should mirror your opening recapping highlights that lead to a conclusion. Highlight only the key points that summarise your main pieces of information, which might include presenting new, important facts, projections or a justification for the reader. Suggest 100 words

    • Reference list. List all sources consulted

    • Appendix (not mandatory, any material that supports points made in the main body)

    Assessment 2: Report

    Length 2,500 words


    Assessment 2 follows on from Assessment 1, which focuses on finding and researching an SME with the potential to internationalise and analysing business environment in an emerging market.

    In Assessment 2, students are expected to use their understanding and knowledge obtained from Assessment 1, to complete Assessment 2 honing in on the business strategy – designing an international business strategy you are going to advise to this SME.

    Instructions: To successfully complete Assessment 2 you are required to complete Part one (1), two(2), three (3) AND four (4).

    NOTE: Assessments 1 and 2, which are both individual assessments, will feed into Assessment 3, a group assignment.

    Based on the information (e.g. theory) presented in your first assignment you will need to discuss and analyse the chosen emerging market environment. You need to develop an entry strategy into the emerging market chosen and described by you in the first assignment. Please remember, that you must draw on a theory developed in the first assignment and justify the choice of all elements of the strategy (place of entry, the timing of entry, the scale of entry, and mode of entry). You also need to briefly discuss the resources required to undertake this entry strategy. The key question for your marker here is “Why” – so, when you describe the selected elements of entry strategy, you need to justify the selection based on theory, other firms’ experience you may have found in the literature, and, of course, common sense. Graphical illustrations, maps, and any supporting visual materials (if found relevant) will be positively looked upon (only if they add value to the main discussion). You must closely relate your entry strategy to the information provided in the first assignment (host country industry, environment, peculiarities of the SME, SME and country environment theory, etc).

    Additionally, as corruption has been a serious issue, to a varying extent, in all emerging markets, ensure you have a solid discussion on the topic of corruption or bribery in the emerging market. When doing so, please draw on appropriate theory/concepts and provide recommendations on how the firm may deal with it.

    Please note; simply copying and pasting information from the first assignment will NOT be accepted.

    Suggested format:

    Whilst the format may vary for your report, below is suggested format for you to follow:

     Cover Page (course, assignment title, student name/id, word count in the main body)

     Table of Contents(list all main and sub-section headers, include page numbering)

     Introduction (identify the chosen organisation, approach to be taken in the Report, structure of the Report). Suggest up to 100 words

     Main body

    o Background (brief biographical on the chosen organisation, its domestic market, and its product(s), and its likely key competencies). Suggest up to 100 words

    Assessment 3: Simulation Board Room Presentation

    Length 10 minutes


    This assessment supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in the foundational international business topics that include environmental assessment, problem diagnosis, and strategy development. It is expected to equip students with a well-formed view of contemporary issues across emerging markets, and the ability to identify key issues governing the strategic options available to small firms entering these markets. Students are also expected to develop competencies in non-traditional, but increasingly important communications techniques such as video and audio presentation.


    Working in your assigned groups, you are required to prepare a group presentation of the major findings based on Assessments two (2). You need to prepare a 10-minute presentation briefly summarising the main findings on the chosen emerging market and entry strategy discussed and analysed.

    Please note: given the time constraint, only major findings are to be presented. Particular emphasis should be placed on the strategy that the SME can adopt towards corruption or bribery it is to face in the emerging market.

    You will need to find ways of addressing the audience in a compelling manner, paying attention to audio quality, lighting quality, the sincerity of presentation, clarity of your perspective and overall impact. ALL members of the group are required to spend approximately equal time on camera and PowerPoint/Prezi slides are NOT to be used.

    Simulation Board Room Presentation Content:

    Your simulated boardroom presentation is to be produced based on your Assessment 2. The presentation should be completed to the professional standard that would be required of a boardroom presentation if the scenario outlined in Assessment 2 were real. In the presentation, your group is required to:

     Introduce yourselves and the presentation topic. State briefly the key issues your presentation will cover

     Introduce the organisation that is being analysed

     Introduce and discuss the selected emerging market and its conditions

     Propose possible strategies addressing the identified threats of corruption and problems associated with country environments

     Display a thorough understanding of the theories/concepts related to international business strategy.

    Presentation Questions:

    Presentations should address the following questions, along with any other relevant points:

     What are the major emerging country conditions the SME is facing

     How threats of corruption in the host country are going to be dealt with?

     What entry strategies would you recommend and why?

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