MGT704: Global Business Management

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    Code: MGT704

    Title: Global Business Management

    Assessment Task 1: Report


    This task provides an opportunity for you to identify and analyse an example of how a firm has responded to global pressures in competing internationally, allowing you to apply concepts from the course.


    Analysis of a cross-border strategy: Analyse the performance of a firm competing in a foreign market using theory to support your argument i.e. the resource-based view, competitive forces view, diversification etc.


    This should be prepared as a report of 2000 words. The task is to be completed as individuals.


    • Quality of analysis through knowledge and application of relevant frameworks and concepts.

    • Level of demonstrated understanding of key issues, interrelationships and implications.

    • Quality of argument including data to support arguments.

    • Communication and presentation

    Generic skill assessed

    Skill assessment level

    Problem solving





    Assessment Task 2: a Case study


    You will identify and evaluate strategies adopted by a firm to pursue an international growth opportunity related to emerging economies.


    Prepare an analytic case study that critically examines the strategy adopted by a firm to pursue an emerging economy opportunity. This may be from the perspective of an incumbent local firm in an emerging economy or an incumbent multinational. Select relevant frameworks of analysis to shed light on your chosen firm’s cross-border growth strategy.


    The case study should be submitted as an analysis of up to 3000 words. You should prepare this report individually.


    • Quality of analysis through knowledge and application of relevant frameworks and concepts.

    • Level of demonstrated understanding of key issues, interrelationships and implications.

    • Quality of argument including data to support arguments.

    • Identification of growth opportunities related to emerging economies

    • Communication and presentation

    Generic skill assessed

    Skill assessment level








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    By |2019-06-12T08:28:53+00:00June 12th, 2019|Categories: Management assignment help|Tags: |0 Comments

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