Python assignment (number of student and store information)

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    The Innovation University of Australia (IUA) wants to allow a lecturer to enter the marks of a number of students (instead of just a single student) and store the information permanently in a text file on their computer. They also want to allow a lecturer to search details of a student in the text file by the student ID.

    The main program should first display a menu as follows. A lecturer needs to select an operation from the main menu.


    Welcome to the AGoS System of IUA

    Please select an option from the following. <A>dd details of a student.

    <S>earch student details for a student. <Q>uit.


    ITC558 201730 SM I-1 February 2017-Version 1 Page 16 of 30

    If a lecturer chooses the option <A> the program then asks them to enter a student’s ID, name, and the Assignment 1, Assignment 2 and Final Exam mark one by one. Once all marks for a student are entered it will display the student ID, name, weighted mark for each assignment, the total weighted mark of the assignments, weighted mark for the Final Exam, total weighted mark of the subject, bonus mark and total mark with bonus.

    The system will then ask the lecturer ‘Do you want to enter marks for another student (Y/N)?’ If they enter ‘Y’ the system will allow them to enter details and marks for another student as before, if they enter ‘N’ the system will display the main menu again, otherwise it will ask the same question again.

    A typical example of the display of the program (once a lecturer chooses the option <A>) can be as follows. Your program MUST follow the same display style.


    The Innovation University of Australia (IUA) Grade System


    By |2017-05-01T19:24:23+00:00May 1st, 2017|Categories: Python|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

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