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    Unit Code: SBM1204
    Title: Project Delivery Systems
    Assessment 1: Article Summary

    This Article summary assesses your knowledge of key content areas of project delivery methods and contract management.

    Guidelines for writing a summary of an article:

    • Identify the key ideas of the article.
    • You need to identify the relevant information that supports the key ideas.
    • You have required to summarize the article in your own words without copying phrases and sentences from the article unless they’re direct quotations.
    • The length of the summary should not exceed more than one-third of the length of the original article.

    The summary should include:

    • Introduction
    • Body Paragraphs
    • Concluding Paragraph

    Assessment 2: Case Study

    Assessment 2 Details:

    In this assessment task, you are required to choose ONE of the following four failed projects in Australia ( and answer all the questions stated below.

    1. Myers online shopping disaster
    2. Queensland Health and its Payroll System
    3. The Australian Cargo Service
    4. Victorian MyKi Smart Card

    Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the main issue associated with the Case Project?
    2. What were the failures with the early implementation of this project?
    3. What were the cost overrun and schedule delays, and what contributed to these?
    4. What was the early delivery method for this project?
    5. What changed in the recent delivery method?
    6. What recommendations would you make if you were assigned as Project Manager of this project in its earlier stage?

    Assessment 3: Applied Project and Presentation

    Assessment 3 Details:

    Design of the Project Delivery System influences the success or failure of the implementation phase of projects and programs. It is not just about selecting a contact model; it provides a framework for the procurement of goods and services needed to implement the project. This assessment task is based on the delivery system of the “Case project”, where students use the real-life project as the vehicle for learning and developing their competencies in this unit of study. The case project should be selected by students in their field of interest.

    This assessment task includes four components:

    1. Literature review on the case project, including the typical delivery models and contexts.
    2. Development of the methodology for case project delivery system.
    3. Implementation of the methodology from 2. To design case project delivery systems. Students will also discuss results and expected outcomes and suggest an implementation plan for the case project.
    4. Students are also required to present their case project during the tutorial session in week 10.


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