92441, 92456 and 92465 Contemporary Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Assessment 2: Essay 50%

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    Exploring the impact of Policy on Health

    Assessment task 2:


    To explore the impact of the ‘Closing the Gap’ policy on Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People’s health outcomes and the interrelationship between organisations.

                      An opportunity for students to practice using respectful language in communication when discussing Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people’s health & wellbeing.

    Type: Essay

    Weight: 50%

    Task: In this assessment, students will:

    Apply throughout the essay the concept of cultural respect in regards to the discussion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples they will: (5marks)

    1. Provide a summary of what “Closing the Gap” (CTG) policy is. Identify and discuss one (1) relevant CTG target in relation to Judy’s current health problem, using the relevant literature and statistics. (15marks)
    1. Analyse & discuss 3 (three) social determinants, in relation to the potential health benefits and or challenges of Judy being registered with CTG, using the relevant literature and statistics. (15marks)
    1. Discuss the procedure of how Judy was registered with CTG. Define the roles of the Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) and, Aboriginal Liaison Officer (ALO), and discuss what services they can provide to Judy and the interrelationship between the health systems; such as why did the AMS refer Judy to a mainstream health service for daily dressings. (15marks)


    Length: 1500 word essay


    Criteria: Marking Criteria Comprehensive marking criteria for each assessment are available under Assessments in UTSOnline.

    Further information: Written feedback will be given within 3 weeks of submission.

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