BBIA4103 International Accounting May Semester 2019- OUM | Expert Tutors

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    One of the main objectives of the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) is to assist users to make a comparison about the financial performance of companies from different countries. Choose two companies from two different countries which adopted IFRSs and access their latest annual reports. Based on the information in annual reports:

    1.Perform financial statement analysis for these two companies using relevant ratio analysis. (15 marks)
    2.Assess the performance of these two companies. (15 marks)
    3.Discuss the problems associated with cross-border financial statement analysis. You need to refer to FOUR journal articles to support your discussions.

    BBIA4103 International Accounting -May Semester 2019 (OUM)

    This assignment is based on the topic “International Financial Reporting Standards” which facilitates the users to draw a comparison between the financial performances of organizations in two varied countries. The learner is required to choose two different organizations that have adopted IFRS and carry out a financial statement analysis, review performance and discuss limitations of the cross border financial statement analysis.

    The subject of accounting is a compulsory addition in many of the courses related to commerce and business administration. The dreadful subject has bothered many of the students over the years because of its high difficulty level. During examinations, it becomes tough to manage studies and complete all of your pending assignments. Even scholars find it challenging to manage stress and workload that comes during midterm and final examinations. Our organization aims at reducing the burned on the shoulders of already stressed out and panicking students. With the help of our services, you can quickly get a division of labour in your studies. Let us help you out by solving your assignments and you can focus on your studies. Our team of expert aims at increasing your knowledge base and understanding of the subject. It is crucial that you choose the correct subject coach for your papers. Our organization is host to many professional project, homework, and research paper writers as well as tutors. We work hard to guide you accurately to succeed in the subject of marketing. We do extensive research so that you receive thorough papers and assignments. So what are you waiting for? Hire our experts so you can get the best results.

    By |2019-08-03T12:18:37+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Categories: Accounting assignment help|Tags: , , |0 Comments

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