BUSM4409 – Information and Technology Management

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    Assignment task:
    You’re employed as the Coffee Construction Australia’s (CCA) senior project director/manager and you have recently completed your Master of Project Management at RMIT.
    You have been tasked by the Jim Coffee (the firm’s chief construction executive) with investigating the ‘best practice’ information systems (IS) used to manage similar businesses.
    You are in the process of investigating various information systems when Jim Coffee says that he wants you to prepare a management report for the senior leadership team’s next meeting. Some members of the senior leadership team have expressed some concerns about moving away from their current business practices and processes.
    Write a management report of no less than 2500 words explaining (with reference to the course brief):
    (a) the business value proposition of CCA using best practice information systems,
    (b) how the IS would support the various business functional areas of CCA, and
    (c) how each information system would or could be used by the firm’s project managers in managing CCA’s projects.
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