CIS116-2 Desktop Applications Development And Software Engineering

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    CIS116-2 Assignment Help

    Desktop Applications Development And Software Engineering Assignment help

    CIS116-2 is a course that typically covers topics related to desktop applications development and software engineering. The course may cover topics such as:

    1. Object-Oriented Programming: This includes topics such as inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.
    2. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Programming: This covers topics such as creating windows, forms, and controls using tools such as Windows Forms, WPF, or JavaFX.
    3. Software Design and Architecture: This covers topics such as design patterns, software architecture, and software development methodologies.
    4. Database Programming: This covers topics such as database design, SQL, and using databases in desktop applications.
    5. Testing and Debugging: This covers topics such as unit testing, integration testing, and debugging techniques.
    6. Version Control: This covers topics such as using Git, branching and merging, and working collaboratively on software projects.

    Overall, the course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to design, develop, and deploy desktop applications using industry-standard tools and practices.

    By |2023-03-13T14:25:30+00:00March 13th, 2023|Categories: computer science|Tags: |0 Comments

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