MBA401: People, culture and contemporary leadership

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    Subject Code: MBA401

    Subject Name: People, culture and contemporary leadership

    Word Count: 1,500 words
    Assessment Description
    Pick any organisation of your choice. It must be an organisation for which it’s possible to access information about its HR practices. Using a report format, address the following factors:

    1. How is the organisation trying to improve the performance of its workforce?
    2. How is the organisation trying to improve its culture?
    3. How is the organisation trying to improve rates of employee engagement?
    4. What recommendations do you have that could enhance those three HR strategies?

    To sufficiently answer those questions, you need to incorporate the following considerations:

    • For the first question, include one performance-related initiative and one way in which its success could potentially be measured.
    • For the second question, include one culture-based initiative and identify, too, the type of culture prevalent within the organisation.
    • For the third question, include one engagement-related initiative and its likelihood of success based on references to credible theory.
    • For the fourth question, include one recommendation for each of the three HR strategies noted in the preceding bullet points.

    The format of your report should include the following sections:

    ➢ Contents Page
    ➢ Introduction (100 words)
    ➢ Performance-related initiatives (325 words)
    ➢ Culture-related initiatives (325 words)
    ➢ Engagement-related initiatives (325 words)
    ➢ Recommendations (325 words)
    ➢ Conclusion (100 words)
    ➢ Reference List (minimum of five references)

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    By |2018-11-25T08:51:46+00:00November 25th, 2018|Categories: Management assignment help|Tags: , |0 Comments

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