MGMT 20134 Business Ethics and Sustainability

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    Subject: Business Ethics and Sustainability

    Many managers, when working overseas in particular in developing countries, engage in bribery and corruption as a way of securing contracts or ensuring that business transaction occurs in a timely fashion. They often argue that whilst they would not engage in such practices in their home country, it is a commonly accepted practice and part of the culture of many developing countries.

    Explain what is bribery, corruption and its link to ethics.

    Examine bribery and corruption using ethical relativism. Can such practices be seen as part of a nation’s culture? If so what are the implications?

    Contrast bribery and corruption from the perspective of consequentialism, deontology and virtue ethics and how a manager would use to explain, defend or refute the practice.

    Contrast the Australian legislation that addresses the bribery of foreign officials with at least 1 other country’s approach.

    Based on the above discussion, draw your own conclusions as to whether you believe bribery and corruption is or is not ethical.

    Assessment Criteria
    Students are to demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter by:

    Defining key terms and concepts related to ethics, morality, personhood and moral accountability

    Advancing a resolution to the ethical dilemmas using ethical theories and concepts with examples to illustrate

    Demonstrating a breadth and quality of research by using a minimum of 12-16 academic sources

    Correctly using of the APA in text referencing system to correctly citing academic sources.

    These are the minimum requirements. Students should note that satisfactorily meeting the minimum requirements will typically result in the minimum pass grade being awarded.
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    By |2018-08-24T11:39:17+00:00August 24th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |0 Comments

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