COIT20264 Network Design

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    COIT20264 Assignment Help

    Network Design Assignment help


    This assessment task relates to Unit Learning Outcomes 1 to 5 and should be undertaken in a group of 3 to 4 students. Distance students can form groups with on-campus students as well. Using top-down network design methodology, you will develop your logical network design based on the scenario given on page 5 of this document and create a video presentation (in Part A) and a written report (in Part B). You may make any justifiable assumptions, but you should clearly mention them at the beginning of your report with the heading “Assumptions” wherever you use them. You are expected to apply and further develop the skills and knowledge that you gained in the prerequisite and co-requisite units. You are also expected to contribute to the Group Discussion Forum in Moodle by finding the answers to the recommended weekly group discussion questions.

    Assessment Task

    This assessment task has two parts, Part A and Part B.

    Part A

    In Part A of this assessment task, together with your group members, you should analyse the given scenario and prepare a group video presentation on the logical network design of your group using the top-down network design methodology.

    Important: The non-performing members can be penalised by the other members of the group by voting them low. When you upload your presentation slides, please indicate the vote (a number between 0 and 10, inclusive of both) that you give to each one of the other members of your group. If you have not indicated a vote for a group member, we assume that you have given 10 to that group member. To calculate your mark, the group mark will be scaled according to the votes given by the members of your group as follows.

    Let us say that your group has n members, and you obtained a group mark of M. The other n-1 members of your group voted you with v1, v2, …vn-1. Then your mark = M/2[1+ ( v1+v2+..+vn-1 ) /10(n-1)]

    For example, assume that you are in a group of 4 and your group obtained 10 marks for Part A. If the other 3 members have given you 7, 9 and 8 as their votes, your mark will be (10/2) [1+(7+9+8)/30] =9.


    • You must follow the Harvard citation and referencing guidelines when preparing your presentation slides.
    • Each one of you in the group should upload the same presentation slides, though your votes on the cover page may be different.
    • The length of your video should be limited to 15 min. Please note that a video presentation means that you, the presenter, should be visible in the video.

    Check the unit website at least once a week for further information relating to this part of the assessment task. Please ensure that you prepare your presentation slides in your own words to avoid possible plagiarism and copyright violation. You can understand the Plagiarism Procedures by following the corresponding link in the CQUniversity Policies section of the Unit Profile.

    Assessment Criteria for Part A

    In Part A of this assessment task, you are assessed mainly against your ability to analyse the given scenario and prepare and deliver a presentation on the logical network design of your group, using the top-down network design methodology. The marking criteria for Part A of this assessment task are provided on page 3. You need to familiarise yourself with the marking criteria to ensure that you have addressed them when preparing the presentation slides and creating the video of your presentation.

    By |2023-04-14T12:42:38+00:00April 14th, 2023|Categories: network project management assignment help|Tags: |0 Comments

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