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    HI6038 Assignment Help

    DATA VISUALISATION Assignment help


    • All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
    • Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.

    Please ensure you follow the submission instructions at the end of this paper.

    This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit.

    Question 1                                                      (5.5 marks)

    • List two benefits of a map chart and write four benefits of the Gantt chart? (0.5 mark)
    • List five tasks (that can be education related) to complete in a one-year period.

    (1 mark)

    • Please draw a Gantt chart to describe them.                                                                (2 marks)
    • What are the three key aspects that good data visualization combines? Use the necessary diagram to explain it.                                                                                                                                                           (2 marks)

    ANSWER:  ** Answer box will enlarge as you type

    The benefits of a map chart are:

    -With map charts, the viewer can easily and quickly grasp information on a large level which may not be possible in a tabular form.

    -They help to visualise how things are distributed over a geographical region and help in the comparison of information across these geographical regions.


    The benefits of the Gantt Chart are:

    Gantt chart helps in tracking

    It helps in the alignment of work amongst all team members

    It helps in the management of resources

    It improves efficiency and the balancing of multiple projects


    Tasks to complete in a one-year period:

    Syllabus Term 1

    Mid Semester Term 1

    Syllabus Term 2

    Mid Semester Term 2

    Practical Exam

    Final Exam

    By |2023-01-24T09:34:50+00:00January 24th, 2023|Categories: database|Tags: |0 Comments

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