Assessment item 1 – Evaluative Report and Project Plan

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    Training is driven by workplace needs. Noe and Winkler (2012) identify 10 forces that may influence working and learning. They are:



    Increased value placed onintangible assets and human capital

    Focus on link to organisational strategy

    Attracting and retaining talent

    Customer service and quality emphasis

    Changing demographics and diversity of the workforce


    High performance models of work systems

    Economic changes

    Based on your reading of chapters 1 and 2 of the textbook, which one (1) of the above 10 forces do you consider to be the most significant in your current workplace and why? Additional references are not required for this task. Your analysis should be based on Chapters 1 and 2 only and your own critical thought.
    Then using the insight gained from this review select a general area that you wish to focus on for the develooment of a training and/or development program. This can be broad; for example, developing management leadership skills,improving excelskills in the accounting group,or improve team work skills for process area.This will be refined after the training needs analysis in Assessment 2.
    Explain why you chose this area given your research.
    Then using the Training Design Process on page 7 of your text book develop a basic  but detailed project plan on how you would go about developing and evaluating this process.The next two assessments will be using this plan to develop the program. I will provide a template for your basic project plan in the Resources page of the l2 site.
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