CN5002/CD5002 Analysis and Design of a Computer Network using Cisco Packet Tracer

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    Analysis and Design of a Computer Network using Cisco Packet Tracer Assignment help

    Computation and allocation of IP addresses to devices in a computer network (based on a given block IP address), followed by design and simulation of the network using Cisco Packet Tracer software.
    1. Deadline
    • Friday 28th April 2023: Submissions of Packet Tracer file and report via Moodle
    2. Coursework Requirement
    Each student must use his/her student’s number and the algorithm given below to determine a block IP address. Each student must then allocate an IP address to devices in the given scenario and configure the network using Cisco Packet Tracer software. This must be followed by simulation of the designed network and usage of debugging techniques (i.e., PDU or Ping command) to ensure satisfactory operation of all devices on the network.
    2.1 Algorithm to Determine Each Student’s Block IP Address
    Each student’s ID number uxxxxxxx must be converted into the format xxx.xx.xx.0/25 by applying the following procedure to obtain the student’s block IP address and mask:
    Use your student’s number to create your individual block IP address as follows:
    First section of IP
    1. If the first three digits is less than 224 then take the first three digits as the first section of IP address.
    2. If the first three digits is more than 223, then take 193 as the first section of IP address.
    Second section of IP
    1. Take the next 2 digits (digit 4th and 5th of your student number) for the second section of the IP address;
    2. If both are 0s (zeros) replace them by 11 and if only the digit 4th is 0 then ignore it (i.e. do not include it in your IP address).

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