Identity one personal learning point from each of five topics areas Management in practice management assignment help

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    Subject- Management assignment help


    This assignment is an opportunity to reflect on how the ideas in the five topic areas of the course relate to your own knowledge and experience of management in practice. The core purpose is to consolidate your personal learning from the course to enrich your own managerial practice in future situations.

    Assignment Task:

    Identify one personal learning point from each of the five topic areas that represent important learning to you personally. Critically discuss what each learning point is, why it is important to you personally, and how you might act on it in the future. Important: the phrase ‘five personal learning points’ does not mean ‘five pieces of course material’ you have learned from the course but ‘five pieces of personal learning’ that are important and specific to you in relation to your own knowledge and experience.

    Slide Pack Requirements:

    1. The slide-pack should contain 20 self-explanatory PowerPoint slides with the following content:
    • Title slide: course title, assignment title, date, student name and number, slide pack contents.
    • Section 1: Personal Introduction (1-2 slides) – current job role, organization, career experience to date, reasons for choosing the course, personal learning objectives in doing this assignment.
    • Section 2: Summary Table (1 slide): a concise summary of your five learning points (table 5×3).
    • Section 3: Five Learning Points (10-12 slides) – a detailed self-explanatory an account of each learning point (one per topic) covering what each learning point is, why it’s especially important to you, and how you might apply the learning gained in future situations.
    • Section 4: Examples Links (1-2 slides) – theoretical and practical examples of how you see the links between your learning points; in short, how do they connect and relate to each other?
    • Section 5: Final Reflections (1 slide) – overall, how has the course enriched your knowledge and experience of management in practice?
    • Section 7: References (1-2 slides)
    • Appendices (maximum 5 slides excluded from the slide count).
    1. Very important: since there is no presentation, the slide-pack should be self-explanatory and hence the space on the slides should be used creatively to help meet this requirement.
    2. Please note Sections 2, 3, and 4 are not descriptions of the course material but a reflective account of what you personally have learned from the material.
    3. You should also use relevant literature within your slide-pack, eg. concepts, quotes, references, etc. This can be from any of the sources in the study materials and any additional material from other courses or elsewhere which might be relevant to your personal account.

    Identity one personal learning point from each of five topics areas Management in practice management assignment help

    Writing management assignments and homework requires high level of patience & hard work. It is being rigorously supported by investigative research as well as tenacity in academic writing. Many learners face challenges while writing management assignments.  But now you can take the assistance of Identity one personal learning point from each of five topics areas Management in practice management assignment help from our experts.  You can connect to our best Australian writers and tutors for excellent academic assistance.

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