MKT304A Brand and Product Management

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    Assessment 2 Group Brand Project Report (2500 words +/- 20%) and Presentation (15% – 25 minutes).

    Assessment Brief:
    Report As a group you are to develop a brand from scratch. It can be a tangible product or an intangible service. Create a mock up/prototype taking into consideration what you have learnt in this subject. Define the target audience and create a profile. Create a promotional plan as to how you would launch it including an appropriate budget for this new brand, timeline and how this campaign would be evaluated. Please review the marking grid.
    As a group image you are presenting this new brand to a group of investors. You will need to convince this group to invest.
    1. This assignment must be prepared as a group with one group member uploading the document to Blackboard.
    2. You should include a reference list for any textbooks, websites or other references you use to prepare your report or presentation.
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    By |2018-11-14T08:04:32+00:00November 14th, 2018|Categories: Management assignment help|Tags: , , |0 Comments

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