MPM731 – Business Communication for Managers Assignment Help

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    Code: MPM731

    Subject: Business Communication for Managers

    Part 1: Topic reflection (1000 words 10%) – 40%;

    Part 2: Public Communication (Written communication (1500 words 20%); Multimedia video presentation (5 minutes 10%)

    Assessment Requirements

    You are to complete two (2) parts:

    Part 1:

    1. As part of your weeks 5, 6, 7 and 8 class/seminar/ Cloud activities, you are required to work with other members. You are to take notes from the discussion topics:

    ü Topic 5 – Self-awareness and emotional intelligence

    ü Topic 6 – Intercultural communication

    ü Topic 7 – Negotiation and conflict management

    ü Topic 8 – Leadership and teamwork

    In your topic activities (during weeks 5, 6, 7 and 8), you will need to identify the key issues/themes from activities provided for each topic with other members in the class/ Cloud.

    Each student is required to reflect on both their own contribution to the group discussions and their personal learning, and submit a written reflection on the four (4) topics (Self-awareness & Emotional Intelligence; Intercultural Communication; Negotiation and Conflict Management; Leadership and Teamwork; – 250 words on each topic commentary) on the following question:

    What was my most significant contribution in terms of identifying the key issues and analysing the 
    content of the topic during the discussion?

    The focus here is on your experience within the group. In answering this question, you should also provide examples of what actions/behaviours you exhibited within your group, and how/why these happened, drawing on the relevant theory where appropriate. Some potential areas to consider could be cross-cultural issues; problem-solving; communication; ethical concerns; and group dynamics.

    Part 2:

    2. Written communication of ONE (1) message to TWO (2) different audiences i.e. one external stakeholder and the other internal stakeholder.

    You are required to provide:

    a) A brief introduction that provides context for the situation and an explanation for your choice of stakeholder groups. (200 words)

    In your introduction, you are to outline the ‘situation’ and the context of the stakeholder groups. The situation should be actual as hopefully, you will have some knowledge and familiarity.

    It is also acceptable to select a situation that would be likely to occur in the future, but be sure to apply it to the present timeframe.

    You also need to identify the stakeholders you are addressing in your strategy and explain why you chose them.

    You should also explain the choice of selected media (i.e. Press Release and PowerPoint presentation) for each stakeholder. For example, you prepare a Press Release for your external stakeholders; and a multimedia PowerPoint presentation for your internal stakeholders.

    b) A written Press Release to get your message across to an external stakeholder. (500 words)

    c) A Multimedia Video Presentation to get your message across to your selected internal stakeholder group. (500 words, includes speech transcript for the 5-minute audio)

    d) A reflection on the key elements you have learnt, seen or experienced when you developed a message for the written Press Release and PowerPoint presentation for your two different stakeholders. (300 words)


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