PPMP20007 Assessment 3 — Group presentation

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    PPMP20007 Assessment 3 — Group presentation

    Due date: Submit electronic copy of the presentation resources by the due date shown in the unit profile and on the Moodle website. Marks will be deducted for late submission of materials.

    Workshop Presentation – during the term (commencing Week 6) as organised by your tutor – No marks will be awarded if the presentation is not given in the scheduled workshop.

    Weighting: 20%  
    Length: 15 minutes; Maximum 15 slides for presentation (not counting the title slide, any questions slide, reference slide(s) – see details below)

    Task Description

    This is a group presentation assignment for on-campus students (Distance education students may work on the presentation assignment individually). All members of the group are responsible for ensuring that the presentation files have been submitted on Moodle by the due date. Student marks for the presentation will be returned via this system. On-campus student presentations will not be graded until after their class presentation.


    Topic selection for all students:

    Your presentation can be about:

    • Any area of project management that is related to the weekly topics and adds a significant body of new material, a different perspective or depth to the information already covered in the course lecture material. It is important that you extend your knowledge and that of the class beyond what will be covered in this unit during the term. There is scope to research and present more information about many of the weekly topics. For example, in the Quality Management topic some students may wish to investigate Six Sigma or ICT students may wish to cover more detail about quality management in the Software Engineering discipline.
    • Any other topic that is related to project management that is approved by your tutor.
    • Some suggested topics can be found in the detailed specification for this assessment item in Appendix A: Suggested presentation topics
    • Appendix B gives you an idea about the presentation structure
    • Appendix C for additional advice or notes on presentation delivery

    Both on-campus and distance students are required to produce the script for the presentation. The script must include some potential questions and responses indicating where you would pose questions to engage your audience. In addition, the end of the script is to include three potential questions (with their answers) that you would anticipate being asked by your audience at the end of the presentation. You must include references in your script as well.

    Submission details:

    The following files must be submitted by one member of the group.

    • A detailed script document on your chosen topic (.DOC or .DOCX format)
    • A power point file of at least 15 slides prepared on the chosen topic (.PPT or .PPTX format)
    • Each member’s contribution/meeting records template (Distance students working individually must submit a log/diary of weekly progress on this assessment item.) A template will be made available at assessment details page on Moodle.

    Marking sheet for Assessment 3 – Presentation

    Criteria Marks

          1. Content organisation (based on detailed script)


          a. Introduction

    ·         Clear introduction of topic with an agenda/table of contents

    ·         Introduce the team

          b. Body

    ·         Quality of content and level of details provided

    ·         Correct referencing of the sources of the material (in-text citation)

    ·         Flow of information and coherence

          c. Conclusion

    ·         Summarise the key points and conclude the presentation

          2. Visual Aids (slides)

    ·         Marks for quality of the slides, diagrams/tables/charts relevant to content.

    ·         Source of the content and any images etc. must be shown on slides.


          3. Delivery of content (Individual mark)

    Marks for delivery of the material.

    ·         First impressions created by the speakers

    ·         Professional behaviour and appearance

    ·         Transfer between speakers

    ·         Engagement with the audience (eye contact, posing of questions to the audience etc.)

    ·         Fluency, pace, expression etc.

    For on campus students:

    ·      This will also include how well you handled questions from the audience.

    ·      If appropriate, other group members can also contribute to the answer after the student      responsible has been given an opportunity to answer.

    4.   4. Anticipated potential questions from the audience (Individual mark)

    You will prepare questions on behalf of the audience that should be related to your topic, but cover more depth or detail about the topic than you had time to cover in your presentation.


    Each student should be responsible for at least one of these questions/answer pairs.


    Marks awarded based on quality of questions and answers – so they must include who is responsible for each question.

          5. Timing

    Timing must be within the range of 14 – 16 minutes.

    (Marks will be deducted if presentation is finished too early or too late).

          6. Member Contribution and meeting records (not included in slides. Separate document)


    You must submit a log/record of all group meetings (at least one per week). Meetings should commence as soon as your group has been formed. Your records must include meetings from at least week 2 to week 6.

    Team members take up roles of Organiser and Minute-taker.

    This must be submitted by all groups before the work can be marked. It is compulsory for all groups.


    On campus students and Distance students groups:

    ·         Your presentation will not be marked if you don’t submit meeting records


    Distance students working individually:

    ·         You must submit a log/diary of your weekly progress on this assessment item.

    Total Marks


    Appendix A: Suggested Presentation Topics

    Some suggested topics are shown below. Remember this is only a 15 minute presentation so you have to decide what aspects of a topic you are going to focus on in your presentation. Some topics below have more content than could be covered in a 15 minute presentation (e.g. procurement management). In that case the tutor may allow different groups to focus on different sub-topics.


    1. You are expected to find appropriate reference material (at least three, good, recent, relevant references).
    2. You are to relate your presentation to managing a project and explain the significance of your content to project management. Often this is best illustrated with examples from your experience or actual project management scenarios.

    Some suggested topics:

    1. International Projects: This is a chapter from the textbook that is not covered in this course, so aspects of this topic would be appropriate for your presentation. You can read this chapter to get an overview and understanding of this topic. Some of the areas that could be discussed in your presentation are:

    • What additional challenges are there when you are involved in managing an international project?
    • What is culture shock and what are strategies for coping with culture shock?
    • How do you select and train personnel to work on international projects
    • What are the cross-cultural considerations?

    2. Outsourcing/Procurement Management: There is a chapter on outsourcing in the textbook that is not covered in this unit. Some of the areas that could be discussed in your presentation are:

    • What is outsourcing and what are the advantages/disadvantages of outsourcing?
    • What is an RFP and what is involved in the selection of a contractor?
    • What are best practices in outsourcing project work?
    • Discuss the art of negotiation.
    • What are the different contract types and their risks (from the contractor and customer perspective)?
    • What contract types are appropriate for agile projects?
    • What is the “point of total assumption” and how do you calculate this?

    3. Leadership: For example:

    • Different leadership styles.
    • The types of powers used by leaders
    • How to learn to be a good leader and what makes a good leader.
    • Stephen Covey and improving effectiveness.

    4. Human resource management: For example:

    • Motivation Theories (e.g. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, McClelland’s Acquire-Needs Theory, McGregor Theory X and Y, Ouchi’s theory z etc.)
    • Developing the Project Team
      1. Training.
      2. Team-building Activities.
    • Different “personality types”: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, The Social Style Profile, DISC.

    5. Quality Management: Quality management in only briefly introduced in the unit. There are a number of topics within the broad area of quality management that could be covered in more depth. For example:

    • Tools and Techniques for Quality control.
    • Six Sigma.

    6. Agile Project Management: Agile project management is introduced in this unit. However there is scope to extend this topic. For example

    • Discussion of alternative agile PM methodologies (e.g. Kanban, Scrumban).
    • Scaled Agile Framework.
    • DevOps (Agile development and operations).
    • More details about agile: e.g. agile estimation, agile story cards/user stories

    7. Effective Communication: For example

    • Keys to good communication?
    • Use of technology to enhance communication.
    • Running Effective Meetings
    • Using E-mail, Texting and collaborative tools effectively.
    • What makes a good presentation?

    8. Software Tools and Systems for Project Management 

    9. Systems Engineering and Project Management: Topics to be covered could include:

    • What is Systems Thinking?
    • What is Systems Engineering?
    • What are the dimensions of Systems Engineering?
    • What is the Systems Life Cycle?
    • What is the relevance of Systems Engineering to Project Management?

    10. Value Management: For example:

    • What is value management?
    • What are the benefits of value management?
    • What industries use value management?


    Appendix B: Presentation Structure

    The slides and script must include the following:

    • A title slide/page with the title of the presentation and the names and student ids of the presenters.
    • Appropriate referencing (APA style) showing the source of the content for each slide/topic on the script.
    • An agenda/table of contents slide/page
    • Introduction slide/page
    • Body of the presentation
    • Conclusion slide/page
    • An “Any Questions?” slide/page. In the notes associated with this slide the script must also include at least three questions that could be posed by the audience at the end of the presentation. Responses must also be provided for these final questions. Each group member must be responsible for at least one of these “end of presentation questions”. The notes/script it must clearly show the group member responsible for each question.
    • The references slide(s)/page(s).



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