ITECH7406 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing – Assignment 2 (Team Presentation) & 3 (Team Research Report)

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    Subject Code: ITECH7406

    Subject Name: ITECH7406 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing 

    2.Team Presentation (10%)

    Duration: 15 Minutes

    Due: In Scheduled Tutorial(Week 10)

    3.Team Research Report (10%)

    Word Count: 3500 words

    Due: Friday, 29 May 2020 -17:00 (Week 11)

    There are new and exciting developments that are taking place in the Business Intelligence literature that is constantly shaping the use and implementation of Business Intelligence and Data warehousing tools and applications in organizations. The objective of this assessment is to:

    (i)Provide a forum for students to investigate the practice, approaches and understanding of business intelligence as it is being applied in the real world to realize organizational objectives.

    (ii)Allow students to show innovation and creativity in applying SAP Business Objects Lumira, SAP Predictive Analytics, or any other analytical tool and designing useful visualization for chosen datasets.

    Students are expected to select a data set of choice and through analysis of the selected dataset and research into the literature complete the following Assessment tasks.

    Assessment Task 2(Team Presentation)& Task 3 (Team Research Report)

    Task #2: Team Presentation

    Duration –15Minutes

    Due –In Scheduled Tutorial(Week 10)

    Task #3: Team Research Report

    Word Count –3500 words

    Due -Friday, 29 May 2020 -17:00 (Week 11)

    Students form a team of 3 to 4 members to complete the Task #2 and Task #3. Each team has to develop innovative analytics and visualization of the selected datasets. Each team will give a presentation and submit an academic research report of 3500 words that draws on the chosen datasets, to demonstrate their understanding on the following Business Intelligence areas.

    “With the rising complexity of the business intelligence environment, the identification of trends and market developments is a key factor in effective decision-making. It is increasingly important to use the latest technologies and approaches in order to cope with digitalization and market competition”.

    Assessment Tasks #2 & #3 (Team Presentation and Research Report)

    a.The team report must address the following:

    b.Include a discussion about Two (2) most important BI Trends(e.g. Data quality/Master data management, Data discovery/Visualization, Self-service BI etc.)

    c.Describe the impact of BI and Data Analytics specifically in the novel and interesting domains of Government, Banking, Manufacturing, Sports, Healthcare or Cyber Security etc.

    d.Each team only required to choose Two (2) domains with Two (2) respective dataset for their research.

    e.IMPORTANT:For this assignment, selected datasets have to be different than the assignment #1 (Individual Analytic Report).

    f.Team report must include at least 15 references.

    Some Datasets/Sources:







    General Guidelines

    Marks would depend on the following factors:

    1.Depth of research to illustrate the BI tools/application,chosen

    2.Quality of reference provided

    3.Quality of overall team presentation and academic report writing.

    Make sure your follow academic report structure with cover page, introduction, use of headings, subheadings, conclusion sand reference section.

    Please note that all references must adhere to APA style.

    You are reminded to read the “Plagiarism” section of the course description. Your essay should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your own words.

    A passing grade will be awarded to assignments adequately addressing all assessment criteria. Higher grades require better quality and more effort. For example, a minimum is set on the wider reading required. A student reading vastly more than this minimum will be better prepared to discuss the issues in depth and consequently their report is likely to be of a higher quality. So before submitting, please read through the assessment criteria very carefully.

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