SBLC7009 Strategic Marketing Management

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    SBLC7009 Assignment Help

    Strategic Marketing Management Assignment help

    SBLC7009 refers to a course in Strategic Marketing Management. This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic marketing concepts and how they can be applied in the context of business management.

    The course may cover various topics related to strategic marketing management, including:

    1. Strategic marketing planning: Understanding the process of developing marketing strategies that align with the overall business objectives and competitive environment. This involves analyzing the market, conducting a situation analysis, setting marketing objectives, and formulating marketing strategies.
    2. Market segmentation and targeting: Exploring different methods of segmenting markets based on various criteria such as demographics, psychographics, and behavior. Understanding how to select target segments and tailor marketing efforts to meet their specific needs and preferences.
    3. Competitive analysis: Examining the competitive landscape and understanding the strategies of rival firms. Learning how to analyze competitive strengths and weaknesses and develop marketing strategies that create a competitive advantage.
    4. Brand management: Understanding the role of branding in strategic marketing and how to develop, position, and manage brands effectively. This may include brand equity, brand identity, brand differentiation, and brand extension strategies.
    5. Product and service management: Studying the product lifecycle, product development, and product portfolio management. Understanding how to make strategic decisions related to product features, pricing, packaging, and innovation.
    6. Pricing strategies: Exploring different pricing models and strategies, including cost-based pricing, value-based pricing, and dynamic pricing. Understanding the relationship between pricing decisions, positioning, and profitability.
    7. Distribution channel management: Analyzing different distribution channel options and understanding the role of intermediaries in reaching target customers. Learning how to develop effective channel strategies and manage channel relationships.
    8. Integrated marketing communications: Understanding the importance of a consistent and integrated marketing message across various communication channels. Exploring the elements of the marketing communications mix, such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and digital marketing.
    9. Marketing metrics and performance measurement: Introducing students to key marketing metrics and analytical tools used to measure and evaluate marketing performance. This includes analyzing sales data, customer behavior, and return on marketing investment.
    10. Ethical and social responsibility considerations: Discussing ethical issues and social responsibility in marketing decision-making, such as responsible advertising, consumer privacy, and sustainability.

    The specific content and emphasis of the SBLC7009 course may vary depending on the institution or program offering it. It’s recommended to refer to the official course syllabus or contact the educational institution directly for more detailed information.

    By |2023-06-06T12:02:29+00:00June 6th, 2023|Categories: Marketing assignment help|Tags: |0 Comments

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